Serundeng is made of grated coconut and caramelized brown sugar. You can put as topping or stuffing some snack. In Indonesia, special my hometown (Pontianak-West Kalimantan) we put for toping of glutinous ketupat or glutinous cake. So yummy.
Ingredients :
- 150 gr grated coconut.
- 4 red chilies.
- 3 cloves shallots.
- 2 cloves garlic.
- 2 lime leaves.
- 3 tbsp brown sugar.
- Salt is reqiured.
- Vegetable oil for saute spices.
Instruction :
- Blend all of ingredients until smooth.
- Heat oil, stir fry ground spices until fragrant and brownies.
- Add grated coconut and brown sugar, stir until mix well.
- Turn off flame and let it cool.
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