Monday 10 June 2013

Rainbow Bread

Yesterday, I made Rainbow Bread. My kids like so much. When cooked, they want to eat soon the bread. Because many color and swell nicely.

Ingredients :
  • 400 grs strong flour.
  • 100 grs all purpose flour.
  • 20 grs milk powder.
  • 1 pack fresh yeast.
  • 2 grs breand improver (optional).
  • 40 grs sugar.
  • 1 egg.
  • 250 ml liquid milk (cold water), adjust with the flour mixture.
  • 30 grs magarine/butter.
  • 7 grs salt.
  • Food color : red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.
Instruction :
  1. Mix flour, milk powder, yeast, bread improver, sugar, until blended.
  2. Add egg and pour cold fresh milk gradually, while kneaded until smooth, not sticky to your hand and bowl.
  3. Add margarin / butter and salt, knead again until the dough is smooth and elastic.
  4. Divede the dough into 6 pieces and each the dough is given a color and round.
  5. Put them in a bowl and cover with wrap plastic or a clean and damp cloth.
  6. Let stand until the dough increases in volume well.
  7. Milled dough lengtwise size of the tray, arrange them and flatten misinterpreted as wide of tray.
  8. Put them in a baking tray has been covered with baking paper. Let stand for 10 minutes.
  9. Preheat oven 180°C and bake until cooked.
  10. Remove from tray and spread with butter / margarine that shiny surface.
  11. Let it cool and store in an airtight container so that the bread doesn't dry out.

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